The Calamus Fish Hatchery
The Calamus Fish Hatchery is one of the Midwest' largest fish
hatcheries.  The hatchery encompasses about 136 acres,including
41-one acre ponds; 11-one-half acre ponds; 8 race ways of 88 feet
long, 8 feet wide, 4 feet deep; 8 raceways 88 feet long, 8 feet wide,
3 feet deep; 8 raceways 66 feet long, 6 feet wide, 3 feet deep; a
Hatchery building of 14,000 square feet, of which 9,600 is production
and the remainder is lab, storage, offices and work area.  The
Calamus River will easily provide the 20,205 gallons of fresh water
per minute needed to support the hatching facility.  The water flow
and temperatures will enable both cold and warn water fish to be
grown here.

The Nebraska Game & Parks Commission began a fish stocking
program in the upstream waters of the Calamus River in 1984.
Since 1985, when the lake began to fill with water from the
Calamus River, about 9.8 million fish have been stocked in
accordance with an ongoing plan.
Lake Stocking through 1990..
    Yellow Perch             1,039,935
    Walleye                       746,467
     Bluegill                    1,096,141
     Large Mouth Bass    665,631
     Channel Catfish      1,904,420
     Rock Bass                     3,554
     Bullfrog Tadpoles       44,998

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